Minggu, 10 April 2016

How to help and teach children share

Children are not selfish by nature. Selfishness is also learned. How to teach children to do what many of us still have not learned? Sharing is one of the most difficult to teach social skills to children. It takes time and practice. Babies show social skills from the day they are born.

Hearing the voice of his mother, to turn his head to follow, babies are establishing a social link with their environment. Then when they start playing with their peers, they will develop social skills that will be positive or not depending on the relationships they have with their parents, relatives, caregivers and teachers.

What to do to get kids to share?

 Educating children to share

Children with positive social skills are more likely to succeed in school and in life. Therefore it is very important to list these positive social skills:

- Play well with others
- Feeling comfortable in their environment
- Share, collaborate and cooperate
- Respect your turn in activities
- Identifies and expresses feelings
- He worries with others

Do not force your child to share

One of the most difficult skills to teach is to share. Although they can learn to share from very small, most children will only be prepared to share toys and other materials from the four or five years. Before that he may not be ready to share.

1- The play groups and meetings to play with the little friends are popular forms used by families so that children have the opportunity to be in company of other children of the same age;

2- You can not force a child to share. The child must be prepared. And that should be encouraged by their parents, families and educators. The best way to educate children to know sharing is by example. Let your child see you regularly share.

3- Using words that encourage and motivate children to share is also important. When the child let another child touch his toys, congratulate him telling him that he is very good, he has a good heart and knows how to be a friend.

4- Take advantage of situations that require sharing to teach your child to do so. For example: If you have a piece of cake at home, show that they must share it together. Ask your child to do so. He will be a partaker of your good attitude. If another child visit to your home, ask your child to share his room with the child, toys, a game, or books.

5- encourages group play with your child. In addition to sharing he will learn to collaborate, to express themselves, and other social skills.

6- Do not compare your child with other children. Not all children develop at the same pace. Social skills last a lifetime and grow as we grow ourselves.

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