Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Teach values. Generosity

Generosity is the attitude of a person to be useful and bountiful to someone else. The generous person is noble, detached and knows how to share. When children are small, everything is yours and no one else. All alone belongs to them. Children struggle to share and understand that not everything is yours.

Educating children to understand the value of generosity is a task of parents and educators. How do you teach them to share?

Children learn to be generous

generous child

When children begin to interact with other peers, either a friend or a brother, it is natural to develop a sense of ownership over their things, toys ... We can not say that they are selfish. It is a natural reaction like feel jealousy. That something is yours gives them security and therefore do not want to share.

To get children to be generous, it is necessary to educate them in this value gradually. If parents pass their small efforts will be encouraging them to continue with these generous acts.

The child learn to be generous:

- When you notice that your parents share and are generous. Nothing serves them that their parents repeat them "have to share, you have to share ..." over and over again. The example is the best way to teach. Children need to see that their parents help other parents and make them favors.

- When he is encouraged to be correct and generous with others. For example, when buying a candy bar, it is important that parents divide it among all family. "A slice for dad, for mom, for you, for grandma "

- When he learns to distinguish that there are things that are all, like television, food, chairs ... and theirs are theirs, like the bed, clothes and they have the right over them. They are yours and must learn to share.

- When playing with his parents and friends. Through play children learn to give, to wait for the time to take the place of the other.

- Listening to stories that talk about it. There are stories and stories about generosity and would not be bad to tell them.

- If they feel understood. We need to "listen" to the feelings of children. If it costs them to share, tell them understand that it is difficult but that sharing is good. Children should learn to share, but not by compulsion or imposition "

- Giving smiles and affection. Not only share things makes you happy other. A demonstration of affection and love also has its benefits.

- Living in an atmosphere of participation and service to others.

- Identifying the needs of others. For example, if the parent needs to write a message but can not find a pencil or pen to do so, ask the child to let one. It will make them feel useful.

- Children should never feel criticized for failing to share. Parents and educators should not recriminarles. Phrases like "you're bad", "are selfish" will not help to be generous.

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