Rabu, 06 April 2016

School friends: good and bad influences

Not all children have leadership qualities, although some like more handle the roost, others prefer not to take the initiative and join others and share proposals. Often, children are subjected to pressure from peers who try to influence more or less openly, in their ways. This is something that our children have already deal since childhood.

Something angry, my nine year old son told me that his friend accused of being a 'geek' as it decided along with other classmates make a science club. I suppose, that this friend watching at risk its relationship with my son and the love they share for football, tried to give this malicious value judgment not to depart from it and their common tastes.

Tips for children friendship

Naturally, I explained why his friend made him the remark and, of course, encouraged him to diversify his field, unless submissive or dependent on a single friend, but also invited to participate in his new project.

 Good and bad friends children
Classmates and friends also have a positive influence on the child. I remember having a friend who loved to draw and did really well, she taught me how to make funny faces and learned a lot imitating her.

In the same way, I think it possible that when a class there are many children who are good students and highlight why the other children, perhaps in another environment, would not work, strive to live up to the most admired . Some children can serve as a positive stimulus for others.

Motivation is greater and more effective, when it comes from the example of an equal. Unfortunately, peer influence can also be negative, when the leader or group leaders do not give good example or do not behave well. In these cases, we must prepare our children to not give in to the request of actions contrary to common sense and to his convictions.

It is easy for children to yield to pressure from others by curiosity awakens in them or simply by the need to feel accepted as part of the group, to be liked, not to make fun of them, not to get into trouble if they go against the grain. We can help them by giving them some tips so that they can get away from bad influences:

- Boost your self-esteem and good judgment

- Meet the friends of our children.

- Teach them to choose friends according hobbies and behavior.

- Invite them to talk to us or any person liable to any pressure or abuse.

- Partner with another partner or friends to say easier to say "no".

- No limit friendship to one group or person. Teaching children to get along with all peers.

- To notify the risks of giving in to bad influences and enforced.

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