Kamis, 07 April 2016

Teach values. The obedience

Obedience is a responsible attitude of collaboration and participation, important for good relations, coexistence and productive tasks. The action to obey is one in which rules, orders, rules and behaviors are followed.

Although learning to obey seems to instill a value only children, everyone can, and should, seek development.

Obedience is not determined by the affection you may have to the person authorizing, commands or requests, concentrating on the task or errand that you encomienda, asking nothing in return.

Obedience, part of children's learning

Obedience and children
Obedience is part of learning the control and regulation of behavior, assimilation of the rules, first Externally, doing things like adult tells you to please Him, and gain their approval and praise; and then if the child is properly stimulated by the adult, I desire itself, learning to control their behavior and enforce rules consciously, not to please anyone but the satisfaction that this will occur. Learning to be obedient is that it also explain why things need to be asked be done.

The child can learn to be obedient

- Knowing what their parents or teachers want

- Knowing the satisfaction that produce obedience

- Knowing the why and the value of each order

- Having clear their obligations and duties

- With a systematic teaching of all its activities

- Having rules at home and at school

- When you feel the approval of their parents when obedient

- With the experiences of their parents

- When you feel that disobedience does not get what he wants

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